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Tigers, gunfights and rare rambutans are part of life for the Indiana Jones of exotic fruits

Alan Carle was hunting otherworldly fruit with fluorescent tentacles and bubbly flesh that folks back home had never even heard about, much less tasted — and he was willing to risk his life to find it.
A white man sits up front of a canoe with cap and open collar with an African man behind, both paddling.

Mysterious ancient tree lives in a small and remote location — deep in Tasmania's south west

How a tin miner living in remote Tasmania helped discover what may be the world's oldest and most mysterious clone that has excited scientists for years.
close up of red flow on black background

Warmer winter has flowers blooming early — and that isn't good

Mild temperatures in July are tricking some plants into budding — and that'll be bad when the frost returns.
Flowers of the tea tree plant.

Would you still neglect your plants if they danced? These university students don't think so

When Francesco needs water, sunlight, or even company, he can talk to let his owner know. It wouldn't be that impressive, except he's a plant pot.
A plant in a red pot with an animated face.

Could an aquatic plant native to Australia enable life on Mars?

Duckweed proliferates, handles stressful conditions and is dense in nutrition. Now scientists say it may hold the key to enabling humans to live in space.
An artist's image of a colourful Mars living environment, plants growing on walls, with numbered electronic display boards.

This artist spent years painting 200 types of fungi. Now she needs help identifying a few

Rosalind Lawson says sometimes she felt someone guided her to a certain place, and then suddenly there'd be a fungus that she'd never seen before.
Smiling older woman, short red hair, wears bright, large patterned jumper, stands in front of colourful fungi paintings.

The locations of these plants are a closely-guarded secret. Here's why

This massive plant archive holds more than a million plants collected from Australia over 250 years. Each one tells a story about our past.
An archival black and white photo of well-dressed men with shelves of boxes

Wire-stem Chickweed discovered after Victorian wetland floods for the first time in 50 years

Fiona Murdoch describes the plant as being less than 10-centimetres tall with a red stem surrounded by a small rosette of leaves and white flowers.
Composite photo of Fiona Murdoch (left) and wire-stem chickweed growing (right).

Caring for a critically endangered plant is helping these women 'feel whole'

The Tumut grevillea is the focus of a project studying how ecosystems benefit when Aboriginal people are involved in looking after traditional lands.
Image of a woman wearing a hoody looking left with the sun on her face while two women in high vis work in the background.

The surprisingly simple discovery that's bringing dying trees back from the brink

Twenty years ago, scientists noticed many trees in Perth's Kings Park were dying. Now two decades of testing and research are finally paying off, and the solution could help revive trees around the world. 
A composite image of a tree before and after treatment

Locals baffled by gigantic mushrooms mysteriously popping up. But what are they?

The Limestone Coast in regional South Australia is well known for its magic-like ghost mushrooms, but massive fungi are sparking the curiosity of locals.
Baby dressed in blue laying on massive mushroom nestled in grass

These mushrooms glow in the dark, but why is a 'baffling, magical' mystery

It is "mushroom photography" season and sightings of fungi glowing in the dark on the NSW South Coast are captivating photographers and researchers alike.
a glowing mushroom, with its gills coloured in blue and green

3D printers help to rebuild coastlines being washed away by rising seas

These 3D-printed biodegradable structures are helping to restore mangrove forests in eroding coastal areas.
A 3D-printed lattice structure that protects sprouting seedlings.

Naomi fell off her bike and into a stinging tree, causing her the 'worst pain ever'

Naomi Lewis said nothing could have prepared her for the excruciating and long-lasting pain of an encounter with a venomous stinging tree in Queensland's far north. 
Naomi Lewis in exercise gear at a sign for Walshs Pyramid

Argentinian retail worker's chance discovery makes her a Costa super fan

Fernanda Sosa's dream was for Costa Georgiadis to know about her rooftop garden and his impact on her life. Here's how it came true.
A woman smiling holds a phone with a photo of a man and a sunflower next to her face.

These wildflowers are one of Victoria's most endangered plants and a truck just damaged a field of them

A field of endangered native wildflowers is damaged after a truck drives through a protected field in Melbourne's outer west, sparking fears of extinction as the city's sprawling population growth threatens grassland ecosystems.  
A closer shot of brown grassland with lots of small yellow circular flowers on tall stalks through the grass.

First woman appointed to lead Queensland Herbarium since it opened in 1859

Gillian Brown is in charge of a collection of more than 900,000 botanical species, and has even identified a new genus of plant that she found on the side of an outback road. Her favourite specimen though is the zombie fungus, which grows on insects' bodies.
A woman with short blonde hair wears a green shirt with a ruffle and stands in front of a large floral mural.

How Jacob and Conor turned the top level of a concrete CBD car park into a native bee sanctuary

An innovative project in this regional city shows how an urban landscape can be transformed into an agricultural oasis — and a perfect spot to have lunch on busy workdays.
Connor and Jacob wear wide brimmed hats and smile in front of a native bee hive and two plants in a car park.

Facebook tag reveals discovery of carnivorous plant not seen since the 1850s

Citizen scientists prove again how valuable they can be after researchers confirm four of the six new sundew species discovered recently were found by everyday people. 
tentacled flower

The tree that produced a new apple no-one had tasted before — and the woman behind it

Historically, women's contributions to the agricultural sector often occurred outside of professional roles. 'Lady' Maud Williams, who discovered the Lady Williams apple, is one of those women, writes Susan Broomhall.
A black and white photo of a woman in a frilled shirt, sitting in a chair on a porch, holding a kangaroo

This introduced disease is capable of wreaking havoc on an entire ecosystem when it infects plants

A pathogen branded a "biodiversity bulldozer" is the second biggest threat to native flora and fauna after rabbits but has not received the same attention as other pests. A new trial aims to change that.
A man inspects a grass tree infected with dieback.

This flower smells like 'dead cane toads' but thousands have flocked to see it bloom

It's often referred to as the "corpse flower" for its distinctive smell, but one visitor flew all the way from Brisbane to Cairns over Christmas for the chance to see — and sniff — a titan arum in bloom. 
The underside of a large red and green flower. The stem has white spots and rises up like a fountain spilling with red frills.

Conservation efforts may have exacerbated bushfires, study finds

New research reveals legislation changes made to help protect Australia's natural habitats may have intensified catastrophic bushfires in south-east Australia.
The view from the back of a fire truck as it moves through a bushfire. There's purple smoke everywhere, and the ground is onfire

Australian wine industry future-proofed with plans to store varieties in high security labs

The  Australian wine industry is future-proofing itself by collecting the most valuable grape varieties and storing them in high-security labs similar to doomsday vaults.
A hand is pouring red wine from a decanter into a wine glass being held by another person

These trees emit a very specific, unexpected scent. And there's good reason for it

The dank smell of the ornamental pear blossom attracts honey bees and flies, specifically, hover flies. And there's a good, but smelly, reason.
Ornamental pear in bloom